
Lecturers are responsible for motivating students to learn

Saturday 10 December 2016

Thesis : Lecturers are responsible for motivating students to learn.

First Argument : Motivating is part of educational duty.

Second Argument : Lecturers are the best person that students can make as a role model to motivate themselves to learn better.

Third Argument : Lecturers could be the one who students can truly believe and respect.

Counter Argument : Students should also be aware that there are other factors that can affect their motivation, one of them who is very important is from themselves.

Conclusion : Lecturers are responsible for motivating students to learn although they should have self-awareness to motivating themselves.

          Lecturers play a very important role in our lives. Motivation in education affects on how students learn and how they behave towards subject matter. Some people believe that educators are responsible for motivating students to learn. I partly agree with that statement.
          First of all, motivating is part of educational duty. Even though not all the lecturers are has a basic how to teach, but they are as educators should know how to teach in appropriate way and appropriate approach to students, because everyone has their own characteristic so it is important for lecturers to know them better. Also, some of them are not yet found their motivation from themselves, so this is one of the duties of the lecturers should do. Therefore in the classroom, lecturers should be aware of the effort of the students to reinforce their activities and interests that students already show an existing partially for and what lecturers can do is motivate those students who needs stimulation and encouragement to reach the goal of learning.
          Secondly, lecturers are the best person that students can make as a role model to motivate themselves to learn better. For example, if the lecturers are have many achievement, well-educated, and very enthusiasm in learning and teaching, indirectly they will give a good impact to their students, obviously their student are want to be like their lecturers, so they will be learn better. It would also be their own satisfaction for lecturers when their students could be more success than them in the future.
          Thirdly, lecturers could be the one who students truly can believe and respect so they might easily cheer their students up for learning. Undeniably, lecturer is one of the closest person of the students. They not only provide knowledge but also anything. Students can like sharing their difficulties and troubles in learning to their lecturers. Significantly, the lecturers can give them some advice or solutions to overcome these learning challenges.
          However, students should also be aware that there are other factors that can affect their motivation, one of them who is very important is from themselves. Even though the lecturers always motivate them, but if the students didn’t have any motivation from themselves it is also wrong. Lecturers are just the supporting factors, but we have to have our motivation to learn better from our heart.
          In conclusion, lecturers are responsible for motivating students to learn although they should have self-awareness to motivating themselves. For one thing, motivating is part of educational duty, for the second thing, lecturers are the best person that students can make as a role model to motivate themselves to learn better, for the third thing, lecturers could be the one who students can truly believe and respect. When you are have difficulties in learning, your lecturers are the one who stays closest to you, know you, and willingly help you by giving invaluable professional advice.

People can affected by advertisement

Saturday 26 November 2016

Hi! I've already mix the video. So here's the link

An Unforgettable Moment In My Life

Monday 7 November 2016

          Life is full of good and bad moments. Each day itself brings various moments in life. Every day we go through mixed feelings. Sometimes we just want to feel happy, but we can't choose. Its impossible if there is someone who just always feel happy. As Ana Ortega said, "Life can be like a roller coaster with its ups and downs. What matters is whether you are keeping your eyes open or closed during the ride and who is next to you." It is truly right, isn't it? Sometimes is good to be fall and feeling sad, because from that we can learn how could we fall and try to not to repeated the same mistakes, also we can know who is the person who will be with us when we need their support or at least they don't leave us when everyone is keep away from us. Everyone also has an unforgettable moment in life either it's good or bad. I have an unforgettable moment story that you can considered it as sad moment in my life. So, here's the story...

         I remembered the day and date it was May 9th, 2016. It was Monday morning. I was at my home, having a good book. I was much tensed that morning; it was the day of the announcement of SNMPTN results. The results will be announced at 2 pm, so I just wait with reading a novel, as I always do in my leisure time. Sometimes I felt pessimist because I have many rival, but sometimes I tried to strengthen myself to felt optimist because I remembered the word "You are what you think you are." so I should be optimist. When the clock shows at 2 pm, I deliberately didn't open directly the website of SNMPTN to see the results. Actually I'm afraid to see the results, but at the same time I also curious. So, I wait until two past ten. When the clock shows at two past ten I open the website, insert my NISN and my password. And the results is.... I'm sure that you already know, as I said before in the first paragraph. Yes, I didn't accepted. At that time, I felt sad, but not too sad because I'm ready for take another test which is SBMPTN. But another thing that make me felt so sad is when everyone is keep asking me "Where you want to go to your next study?" or when your friend telling you about their orientation dates and told that they are afraid to it but also can't wait for it (I still don't even know where I want go to for my next study) but they don't telling it in purpose (perhaps, I just too sensitive hahaha). And luckily me, my family and my close friends are always support me and told me that God knows whats the best for me, which means that the major that I chose before is not good for me and there is something that we still don't know is good for me.

          So, after that, I really really study hard for SBMPTN and I still chose the same major as before, which is veterinary. At that time, I really want to be a veterinarian and still to this day. Short stories, the announcement of SBMPTN results was one month after the test. And yes, I didn't accepted again. I was really sad, because I feel like I already study hard every day, but why? Why I didn't accepted? There is one says that the efforts wouldn't betray the process. Is that mean that I still less hard to study?. So many question in my mind in that time. Then my mom told to me that maybe veterinarian is not good for me so I should chose another major. I just want to be veterinarian, I didn't want another major. Same like before, my close friends are always support me and told me that there is something that we still don't know is good for me. Over time, I began to open my mind. So, here I am as business administration student.

          In conclusion, the lesson that I got from my experience is never give up and don't sad too much. Don't ever think that bad moment is always bad, I'm sure that is always a reason and lessons that you can learned from that, because everything happens for a reason.

Some Things About My Hometown

Thursday 20 October 2016

Here's the link for the "Some Things About My Hometown"

The Problems in My Hometown

Monday 17 October 2016

1. Introduction
2. Problems: 1) The narrowing of agriculture land because of the construction of public facilities.
                       2)  Urbanization. From another places to Karawang. Because they want to be an employees in one of many factories in Karawang and because the salaries of an employees in Karawang is fairly large.

3. Solution: 1) Build the house vertically and for the farmers they have to be aware in order not to sell their farm easily.
                   2) The government should do the equalize to the village. For the villagers itself they can working in their own place, for example they can make any kind of farm, so they can sell their own crops.

4. Conclution

        Karawang has an epithet as "Granary City", but now has become one of the largest "Industrial City". It has a positive and negative impacts. But now I would like to tell you about the problems in my hometown.
        The first problem in my hometown is the narrowing of agricultural land because of the construction of public facilities. Population growth accelerated due to the lack of knowledge within society and habits of rural society that tend to have more children can aggravate the situation of agriculture in Indonesia. Agricultural land is getting narrowed due to the transation of agricultural land into residential housing. The need for residential housing are increasingly growing. Moreover the construction of public facilities are more and more, like modern markets and malls are increasingly eroded the agricultural lands. Therefore, narrowing of agricultural land because of transition to the non-agricultural are increasingly inevitable.
        The second problem is Karawang has become one of urbanization destination from various areas. Actually this is the one of a negative impacts from Problem 1. Urbanization itself has a negative impacts, for example increasing the population. The density of population can cause the intense competition in finding a job with people from another regions (who do the urbanization). So then, it will make the citizens of Karawang from year to year didn't have a job. From the data that I get, the number of unemployment is still relatively high, its about 114 thousand peoples, although Karawang famous as an industrial area.
        So, to minimize the problem 1, which the narrowing the agriculture land because of the construction of public facilities, they can build the house vertically to save on the use of land, then to disseminate to the public the importance of agricultural land is expected to increase public awareness, especially farmers who have agricultural land in order not to sell their farm easily and remember to keeping the importance of their land. Whereas, the solution for problem 2 are, the government should do the equalize, so the villagers do not do the urbanization. For the villagers itself they can working in their own place, for example they can make any kind of farm, so they can sell their own crops. I think it will be good because they can do something better for their own place and there will be no overcrowding in certain areas.

My Favourite Restaurant

Walt Disney Inspire Us to Dream Big and Find Success

Wednesday 12 October 2016

(pict taken from google images)

Who doesn't know Walt Disney? I'm sure that everyone know him, because of his outstanding work. And I like all of his works very much. So now I would like to share the reason why Walt Disney can inspires me (and us too, actually). But first, I want to tell you the very mini biography about him.

So, his full name is Walter Elias Disney. He was born on December 5, 1901, in Hermosa, Illinois. Disney was one of five children, four boys and a girl. He lived most his childhood in Marceline, Missouri, where he began drawing, painting, and selling pictures to neighbours and family friends. And luckily he have a parents who supported his dream. Even though he was born in a poor family, but his parents are paid for him to attend the classes at an art institute. He is fell in love with drawing as a kid and continued to draw and create cartoons. And he is continued his hobbies to focus in his artistic drawing thoughout his life. At the beginning of his career, Disney made a lot of failure. For example, when he was fired by the editor in 1919 from his job at the Kansas City Star paper because he "lacked imagination and had no good ideas". However, he didn't stop failing there. He kept going.

In July 17, 1955 he built a Disneyland as a grand theme parks with a fairy tales and Disney character theme. In a place “Where Dreams Come True,” Disney’s grand theme parks are known worldwide and referred to as the “Happiest Place on Earth” Because the beauty which sprouts Disney is for all ages, from the young imaginative minds to the older innovative generations. And one thing that you would definitely notice about Walt Disney is that after one accomplishment he would immediately start on another project. For example, after finishing his legendary film “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves”, Disney immediately went to work on other feature films such as “Bambi”, “Fantasia” and many others.

And here is some Walt Disney quotes to live by

“If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.” – Walt Disney

“When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.” – Walt Disney

“You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.” – Walt Disney

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney

“Too many people grow up. That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don’t remember what it’s like to be 12 years old. They patronize, they treat children as inferiors. Well I won’t do that.” – Walt Disney

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney