
Things I Like To Do

Sunday 2 October 2016

In my leisure time, I like to be alone and spend my time with something that I can do alone like reading a good book and listen to music or just be quiet and let my mind think of something. It’s like I recharge my energy after doing something. At least I need an hour or two for myself every day. Now I would like to explain to you about three things that I like to do.

First, I loves reading! Ever since I was a kid I’ve read a lot of books. My parents have introduced me to books since I was a kid, such as Bobo Magazine and fairytale books. But now I read many kind of books and the books that I like to read are novel, comic, magazine, and fanfiction on the internet. Actually, I like reading everything I can whether it’s the stuff on a shampoo bottle while I take a bath or a bibliography on the book. The kind of book that i like very much now is novel. Why? Umm, because I really love to drift away into the fantasy world in the story and I can imagine that I am in another world. Furthermore, it’s very relaxing. You can sit down at a quiet place and just forget about the world around you for a while. Sometimes when I feel like I have a million things to do I take a break, and cuddle up under a blanket with a good book (I know it’s not good to read while lay in the bed. Hehe). After just a little while of reading I’ve got my strength up to take care of everything. This is what I think is the best about reading but there are other advantages about reading. Second, I like listening to music, especially K-Pop and also J-Pop a little bit. Actually I got into K-Pop because of K-Drama. When I was in junior high school I used to addicted to Korean Drama, and in Korean Drama there are so many good background musics. Then I downloaded every song that i think is good. And after that I knew a lot of boygroups and girlgroups and then I be a fan in one of them. Usually I listening it if I don’t know what to do or when I am waiting for something. But, I can’t listen to music when I write or study, I just can’t concentrate if there’s any noise. Third, it usually happens when I want to sleep. I always contemplate about something when I’m trying to sleep. Like about what I’ve done today, which makes me think about a thousand other stuffs that happened in my whole life. Or what I have to do first when I wake up in the morning and what will happen tomorrow. I guess we have to see it as something pretty awesome that our brain does.

So, those are my favorite things that I like to do in my leisure time :)


  1. I love it! We have a lot of similarities~ ♡

  2. Hi Annisa! Your article is really interesting!:)

  3. Hi Annisa! I notice that you mistyped “bibliography”, it should be “biography”

    1. Hi Lin! Thank you to read my article :) I'm sorry but I'm sure it "bibliography". We called it "daftar pustaka" in Indonesia. I know it weird, but I do. Hehe :D

  4. Anniissaaa your blog is good.. but I find a mistake tha you did
    hmm I think it is better to change the "... while I take a bath or a bibliography on the book" to "... while I taking a bath or a bibliography on the book" overall is great !!

  5. Anniissaaa your blog is good.. but I find a mistake tha you did
    hmm I think it is better to change the "... while I take a bath or a bibliography on the book" to "... while I taking a bath or a bibliography on the book" overall is great !!

    1. Thank you for the correction, Dian :))
      I'll fix it later ^^

  6. Hello Annisa !! Your article so good and Actually we have the similiar things that we like to do wkwkwkwk And if I'm not mistaken "But, I can’t listen to music when I write or study......" supposed to "But, I can’t listening the music when I write or study..." .:D

    1. Hi Merlin! Thank you for the correction :))
      I'll fix it later ^^

  7. Nice article Annisa, keep writing, can't wait for your next post.

  8. Such a good article anisa! But i guess don't be enough by just being alone and read some books. Go out and hang out with your friends. Enjoy life and embrace yourself! ^^ that's all from me good luck!

    1. Thank you for the suggestion Indah ^^
      I'll try it later :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thanks Annisa for sharing, Really appreciate . Nice article, good job!

  11. I totally can relate to you! We definitely have similarities in the things we like! I just realized that contemplating life every night before falling asleep is also considered a hobby :D . Anyway,I have a suggestion for you. The sentence "This is what I think is the best about reading but there are other advantages about reading." should be elaborated more before you skip into the next subtopic, if you don't, you should not mention the 'other advantages' to close the first subtopic. I hope you consider my suggestion. Looking forward to your next post! :)

    1. Thank you for the suggestion Cynthia ^^
      I'll fix it later :)

  12. Waaw, that is really interesting nisaaa. I think I want to have leisure time like you did~

  13. In my leisure time, I like to be alone and spend my time with something that I can do alone like reading a good book and listen to music or just be quiet and let my mind think of something. It’s like I recharge my energy after doing something. At least I need an hour or two for myself every day. Now I would like to explain to you about three things that I like to do.

    First, I loves reading! Ever since I was a kid I’ve read a lot of books. My parents have introduced me to books since I was a kid, such as Bobo Magazine and fairytale books. But now I read many kind of books and the books that I like to read are novel, comic, magazine, and fanfiction on the internet. Actually, I like reading everything I can whether it’s the stuff on a shampoo bottle while I taking a bath or a bibliography on the book. The kind of book that i like very much now is novel. Why? Umm, because I really love to drift away into the fantasy world in the story and I can imagine that I am in another world. Furthermore, it’s very relaxing. You can sit down at a quiet place and just forget about the world around you for a while. Sometimes when I feel like I have a million things to do I take a break, and cuddle up under a blanket with a good book (I know it’s not good to read while lay in the bed. Hehe). After just a little while of reading I’ve got my strength up to take care of everything. This is what I think is the best about reading. Second, I like listening to music, especially K-Pop and also J-Pop a little bit. Actually I got into K-Pop because of K-Drama. When I was in junior high school I used to addicted to Korean Drama, and in Korean Drama there are so many good background musics. Then I downloaded every song that i think is good. And after that I knew a lot of boygroups and girlgroups and then I be a fan in one of them. Usually I listening it if I don’t know what to do or when I am waiting for something. But, I can’t listening the music when I write or study, I just can’t concentrate if there’s any noise. Third, it usually happens when I want to sleep. I always contemplate about something when I’m trying to sleep. Like about what I’ve done today, which makes me think about a thousand other stuffs that happened in my whole life. Or what I have to do first when I wake up in the morning and what will happen tomorrow. I guess we have to see it as something pretty awesome that our brain does.

    So, those are my favorite things that I like to do in my leisure time :)
