
Some Things About My Hometown

Thursday 20 October 2016

Here's the link for the "Some Things About My Hometown"

The Problems in My Hometown

Monday 17 October 2016

1. Introduction
2. Problems: 1) The narrowing of agriculture land because of the construction of public facilities.
                       2)  Urbanization. From another places to Karawang. Because they want to be an employees in one of many factories in Karawang and because the salaries of an employees in Karawang is fairly large.

3. Solution: 1) Build the house vertically and for the farmers they have to be aware in order not to sell their farm easily.
                   2) The government should do the equalize to the village. For the villagers itself they can working in their own place, for example they can make any kind of farm, so they can sell their own crops.

4. Conclution

        Karawang has an epithet as "Granary City", but now has become one of the largest "Industrial City". It has a positive and negative impacts. But now I would like to tell you about the problems in my hometown.
        The first problem in my hometown is the narrowing of agricultural land because of the construction of public facilities. Population growth accelerated due to the lack of knowledge within society and habits of rural society that tend to have more children can aggravate the situation of agriculture in Indonesia. Agricultural land is getting narrowed due to the transation of agricultural land into residential housing. The need for residential housing are increasingly growing. Moreover the construction of public facilities are more and more, like modern markets and malls are increasingly eroded the agricultural lands. Therefore, narrowing of agricultural land because of transition to the non-agricultural are increasingly inevitable.
        The second problem is Karawang has become one of urbanization destination from various areas. Actually this is the one of a negative impacts from Problem 1. Urbanization itself has a negative impacts, for example increasing the population. The density of population can cause the intense competition in finding a job with people from another regions (who do the urbanization). So then, it will make the citizens of Karawang from year to year didn't have a job. From the data that I get, the number of unemployment is still relatively high, its about 114 thousand peoples, although Karawang famous as an industrial area.
        So, to minimize the problem 1, which the narrowing the agriculture land because of the construction of public facilities, they can build the house vertically to save on the use of land, then to disseminate to the public the importance of agricultural land is expected to increase public awareness, especially farmers who have agricultural land in order not to sell their farm easily and remember to keeping the importance of their land. Whereas, the solution for problem 2 are, the government should do the equalize, so the villagers do not do the urbanization. For the villagers itself they can working in their own place, for example they can make any kind of farm, so they can sell their own crops. I think it will be good because they can do something better for their own place and there will be no overcrowding in certain areas.

My Favourite Restaurant

Walt Disney Inspire Us to Dream Big and Find Success

Wednesday 12 October 2016

(pict taken from google images)

Who doesn't know Walt Disney? I'm sure that everyone know him, because of his outstanding work. And I like all of his works very much. So now I would like to share the reason why Walt Disney can inspires me (and us too, actually). But first, I want to tell you the very mini biography about him.

So, his full name is Walter Elias Disney. He was born on December 5, 1901, in Hermosa, Illinois. Disney was one of five children, four boys and a girl. He lived most his childhood in Marceline, Missouri, where he began drawing, painting, and selling pictures to neighbours and family friends. And luckily he have a parents who supported his dream. Even though he was born in a poor family, but his parents are paid for him to attend the classes at an art institute. He is fell in love with drawing as a kid and continued to draw and create cartoons. And he is continued his hobbies to focus in his artistic drawing thoughout his life. At the beginning of his career, Disney made a lot of failure. For example, when he was fired by the editor in 1919 from his job at the Kansas City Star paper because he "lacked imagination and had no good ideas". However, he didn't stop failing there. He kept going.

In July 17, 1955 he built a Disneyland as a grand theme parks with a fairy tales and Disney character theme. In a place “Where Dreams Come True,” Disney’s grand theme parks are known worldwide and referred to as the “Happiest Place on Earth” Because the beauty which sprouts Disney is for all ages, from the young imaginative minds to the older innovative generations. And one thing that you would definitely notice about Walt Disney is that after one accomplishment he would immediately start on another project. For example, after finishing his legendary film “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves”, Disney immediately went to work on other feature films such as “Bambi”, “Fantasia” and many others.

And here is some Walt Disney quotes to live by

“If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.” – Walt Disney

“When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.” – Walt Disney

“You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.” – Walt Disney

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney

“Too many people grow up. That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don’t remember what it’s like to be 12 years old. They patronize, they treat children as inferiors. Well I won’t do that.” – Walt Disney

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

My Friend's Future Career

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Hi guys, now I would like to tell you about my suggestion future career for one of my friend.

His name is Muhamad Arief Aryadi, you can call him Arief. We have known each other since we were in junior high school but we're not in the same class. And in senior high school, we were in the same class at science program. Now he is studying in President University, majoring in electrical engineering. Actually he is the one who suggest me to join this university. Hahaha thank you Arief!

According to theory of multiple intelligences, Arief is logical-mathematical person. In senior high school he is join club MIPA and choose math as his concentration. I agreed that it was the right choice. Then because of he join that club he take part of mathematics olympiad. And sometimes he won. Also when we were in high school, he likes to taught math to my classmates, we called it as "tutor sebaya". See, he is very kind and likes to help other people, right?. Actually he is not just good at math but also the other exact sciences subjects. Because of he was really born to be a-true-science-person no wonder that he is really like solving the problems. You know, he ever made one of math formula, like shorten the long one formula, but I forget what kind of the formula. Hehehe.

In the other hand, he is a gamers. He likes to playing dota. When we were in high school, every back from school he often went to warnet first rather than home with his friends, and I don't know why he is still smart. He is also an optimist and goal-oriented person. Because he is always focus on his goals and he try to reach it and also never give up, if its fail he will try another way.

When we were in high school, we've ever been in the same group and he is as a chairman. As a chairman he was a communicative and emphatic person and also a good listener. So, I consider him as a responsible person. Thus, owing to all of the things that I've already mentioned above, I think it will be good if in the future he is to be an engineer. Because he is eligible to be an engineer and he is now in the right place to reach that career.

Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Main Idea
He is logical-mathematical person
He is a gamers
He is a responsible person
Supporting Point(s)
He is kind and likes help other people
He is an optimist and goal-oriented person
Eligible to be an engineer

Things I Like To Do

Sunday 2 October 2016

In my leisure time, I like to be alone and spend my time with something that I can do alone like reading a good book and listen to music or just be quiet and let my mind think of something. It’s like I recharge my energy after doing something. At least I need an hour or two for myself every day. Now I would like to explain to you about three things that I like to do.

First, I loves reading! Ever since I was a kid I’ve read a lot of books. My parents have introduced me to books since I was a kid, such as Bobo Magazine and fairytale books. But now I read many kind of books and the books that I like to read are novel, comic, magazine, and fanfiction on the internet. Actually, I like reading everything I can whether it’s the stuff on a shampoo bottle while I take a bath or a bibliography on the book. The kind of book that i like very much now is novel. Why? Umm, because I really love to drift away into the fantasy world in the story and I can imagine that I am in another world. Furthermore, it’s very relaxing. You can sit down at a quiet place and just forget about the world around you for a while. Sometimes when I feel like I have a million things to do I take a break, and cuddle up under a blanket with a good book (I know it’s not good to read while lay in the bed. Hehe). After just a little while of reading I’ve got my strength up to take care of everything. This is what I think is the best about reading but there are other advantages about reading. Second, I like listening to music, especially K-Pop and also J-Pop a little bit. Actually I got into K-Pop because of K-Drama. When I was in junior high school I used to addicted to Korean Drama, and in Korean Drama there are so many good background musics. Then I downloaded every song that i think is good. And after that I knew a lot of boygroups and girlgroups and then I be a fan in one of them. Usually I listening it if I don’t know what to do or when I am waiting for something. But, I can’t listen to music when I write or study, I just can’t concentrate if there’s any noise. Third, it usually happens when I want to sleep. I always contemplate about something when I’m trying to sleep. Like about what I’ve done today, which makes me think about a thousand other stuffs that happened in my whole life. Or what I have to do first when I wake up in the morning and what will happen tomorrow. I guess we have to see it as something pretty awesome that our brain does.

So, those are my favorite things that I like to do in my leisure time :)