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Saturday 26 November 2016

Hi! I've already mix the video. So here's the link

An Unforgettable Moment In My Life

Monday 7 November 2016

          Life is full of good and bad moments. Each day itself brings various moments in life. Every day we go through mixed feelings. Sometimes we just want to feel happy, but we can't choose. Its impossible if there is someone who just always feel happy. As Ana Ortega said, "Life can be like a roller coaster with its ups and downs. What matters is whether you are keeping your eyes open or closed during the ride and who is next to you." It is truly right, isn't it? Sometimes is good to be fall and feeling sad, because from that we can learn how could we fall and try to not to repeated the same mistakes, also we can know who is the person who will be with us when we need their support or at least they don't leave us when everyone is keep away from us. Everyone also has an unforgettable moment in life either it's good or bad. I have an unforgettable moment story that you can considered it as sad moment in my life. So, here's the story...

         I remembered the day and date it was May 9th, 2016. It was Monday morning. I was at my home, having a good book. I was much tensed that morning; it was the day of the announcement of SNMPTN results. The results will be announced at 2 pm, so I just wait with reading a novel, as I always do in my leisure time. Sometimes I felt pessimist because I have many rival, but sometimes I tried to strengthen myself to felt optimist because I remembered the word "You are what you think you are." so I should be optimist. When the clock shows at 2 pm, I deliberately didn't open directly the website of SNMPTN to see the results. Actually I'm afraid to see the results, but at the same time I also curious. So, I wait until two past ten. When the clock shows at two past ten I open the website, insert my NISN and my password. And the results is.... I'm sure that you already know, as I said before in the first paragraph. Yes, I didn't accepted. At that time, I felt sad, but not too sad because I'm ready for take another test which is SBMPTN. But another thing that make me felt so sad is when everyone is keep asking me "Where you want to go to your next study?" or when your friend telling you about their orientation dates and told that they are afraid to it but also can't wait for it (I still don't even know where I want go to for my next study) but they don't telling it in purpose (perhaps, I just too sensitive hahaha). And luckily me, my family and my close friends are always support me and told me that God knows whats the best for me, which means that the major that I chose before is not good for me and there is something that we still don't know is good for me.

          So, after that, I really really study hard for SBMPTN and I still chose the same major as before, which is veterinary. At that time, I really want to be a veterinarian and still to this day. Short stories, the announcement of SBMPTN results was one month after the test. And yes, I didn't accepted again. I was really sad, because I feel like I already study hard every day, but why? Why I didn't accepted? There is one says that the efforts wouldn't betray the process. Is that mean that I still less hard to study?. So many question in my mind in that time. Then my mom told to me that maybe veterinarian is not good for me so I should chose another major. I just want to be veterinarian, I didn't want another major. Same like before, my close friends are always support me and told me that there is something that we still don't know is good for me. Over time, I began to open my mind. So, here I am as business administration student.

          In conclusion, the lesson that I got from my experience is never give up and don't sad too much. Don't ever think that bad moment is always bad, I'm sure that is always a reason and lessons that you can learned from that, because everything happens for a reason.