
Lecturers are responsible for motivating students to learn

Saturday 10 December 2016

Thesis : Lecturers are responsible for motivating students to learn.

First Argument : Motivating is part of educational duty.

Second Argument : Lecturers are the best person that students can make as a role model to motivate themselves to learn better.

Third Argument : Lecturers could be the one who students can truly believe and respect.

Counter Argument : Students should also be aware that there are other factors that can affect their motivation, one of them who is very important is from themselves.

Conclusion : Lecturers are responsible for motivating students to learn although they should have self-awareness to motivating themselves.

          Lecturers play a very important role in our lives. Motivation in education affects on how students learn and how they behave towards subject matter. Some people believe that educators are responsible for motivating students to learn. I partly agree with that statement.
          First of all, motivating is part of educational duty. Even though not all the lecturers are has a basic how to teach, but they are as educators should know how to teach in appropriate way and appropriate approach to students, because everyone has their own characteristic so it is important for lecturers to know them better. Also, some of them are not yet found their motivation from themselves, so this is one of the duties of the lecturers should do. Therefore in the classroom, lecturers should be aware of the effort of the students to reinforce their activities and interests that students already show an existing partially for and what lecturers can do is motivate those students who needs stimulation and encouragement to reach the goal of learning.
          Secondly, lecturers are the best person that students can make as a role model to motivate themselves to learn better. For example, if the lecturers are have many achievement, well-educated, and very enthusiasm in learning and teaching, indirectly they will give a good impact to their students, obviously their student are want to be like their lecturers, so they will be learn better. It would also be their own satisfaction for lecturers when their students could be more success than them in the future.
          Thirdly, lecturers could be the one who students truly can believe and respect so they might easily cheer their students up for learning. Undeniably, lecturer is one of the closest person of the students. They not only provide knowledge but also anything. Students can like sharing their difficulties and troubles in learning to their lecturers. Significantly, the lecturers can give them some advice or solutions to overcome these learning challenges.
          However, students should also be aware that there are other factors that can affect their motivation, one of them who is very important is from themselves. Even though the lecturers always motivate them, but if the students didn’t have any motivation from themselves it is also wrong. Lecturers are just the supporting factors, but we have to have our motivation to learn better from our heart.
          In conclusion, lecturers are responsible for motivating students to learn although they should have self-awareness to motivating themselves. For one thing, motivating is part of educational duty, for the second thing, lecturers are the best person that students can make as a role model to motivate themselves to learn better, for the third thing, lecturers could be the one who students can truly believe and respect. When you are have difficulties in learning, your lecturers are the one who stays closest to you, know you, and willingly help you by giving invaluable professional advice.